Logo naturConcept
german english french

Let's work together with nature – and don't act in confrontation to nature

naturConcept – The Planning Bureau for Natural Formation of Open Spaces, Ecological Excursions and Protecting of Nature

Natural Flowers
Solar House

Here is our offer for you:

Logo Natural Formation of Open Spaces
Vogel Encouragement for Best Practice by Protection of Nature
Logo Picture Archives about Natural Flowers and Flowers of the Alps
Logo Excursions:
• Flower-Tours into the Region
• Guided Tours at Freiburg/Vauban

Overview and und Contact:

Rundgang Get More to Know about naturConcept in a Little Excursion
(Pardon, the excursion is still in german)
Question Do You Have Any Questions? We Will Answer Suddenly

[We beg your pardon that only few more important pages are translated in english]

naturConcept |  Freiburg at Breisgau | All rights belonging to eRich Lutz | Data privacy statement
To take care of environment and health: naturConcept doesn't use mobile communications.
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