Logo naturConcept

The Planning Bureau for Natural Formation of Open Spaces, Ecological Excursions and Protecting of Nature

german english french

  • Recommendation
Brochure published by the Vauban District Association (available also at the tour).

No. 5

Guided Tours at Vauban & more

– Order Your Book Entry

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Yes, I agree the GTC. (Please read text on right side)
1. Book Entry for a Guided Tour
Total number of members: 
2. Book Entry for a Guided Tour or Alternative Data
Total number of members: 
Principal ´
Mrs.   Mr.
(0nly numbers)
Billing Address
(Only if different to your address on top)

Mrs.   Mr.
Your Focus of Interest


History of Vauban

The Planning Processes

The Participation

Environmental Standards

Traffic System

High Level of Living-Quality

Green Spaces and Nature Protection

Transformation of Vauban's Experiences

others (please use message-box)

characters still available

Current Info

We have discontinued our program for the Vauban tours. Thank you for your interest in our environmental district.

Information about Vauban can still be found on the Sights of Vauban website. We also recommend the Vauban Brochure from the District Association Vauban e.V.

GTC General terms and conditions

– Edition of 2018-03-22

(This is a translation of our General terms and conditions, the original is written in german)

1) By sending this online-form or receiving a written book entry by letter a guided tour is binding. Same is valid by a confirmation of an offer.

2) Canceling a date or changing a date a written form is obligated. For cancelled dates naturConcept basically invoices a reversal tax. Therefore there are different deadlines and different payments:
  • Canceling a date less than 31 days before the date = 15 % of the price of the booked tour;
  • Canceling a date less than 15 days before the date = 30 % of the price of the booked tour;
  • Canceling a date less than 48 hours before the date = 50 % of the price of the booked tour;
  • Canceling a date less than 4 hours before the date = 70 % of the price of the booked tour;
  • Beeing absent without information = 80 % of the price of the booked tour;
  • Changing a date less than 14 days before the date = 10 % extra charge added to the price of the booked tour;*
  • Changing a date less than 48 hours before the date = 20 % extra charge added to the price of the booked tour;*
  • Changing a date less than 4 hours before the date = 30 % extra charge added to the price of the booked tour;*
Late arrivals more than 15 minutes we don't do an extension of the term. Only if we are able to organize we offer an extension of the term by fee about EURO 60.00 an hour (plus VAT).

3) The participants of one group are limitted to 25 members. In case of more members we offer to run an extra group. The prices listed on our page 'Prices' are valid for only one group with max. 25 members. Other agreements are required to be done in written form.

4) Payment on receipt of invoice, payment deadline is after 30 days. Payment within 30 days is strictly net.
In case of delayed payment naturConcept charges a damage caused by default. For consumers we are demanding an interest about 5 points over the german base lending rate, for tradesmen 8 points over the german base lending rate.

5) If the recipient of the invoice has his business location not in Germany we offer guided tours only against prepayment.

6) In fact of the bank commission naturConcept charges Euro 16.00 for each cheque issued in EC-countries, and Euro 5.00 for each cheque issued in Germany (other countries please call).

7) naturConcept is not liable for damages or thefts happened during our excursions. We also are not responsible for damages in conjunction with thunderstorms, traffic or rough terrain. Watchful attention by passing rails of the tram is recommanded. Participation of our excursions take place at his own risk.

8) Subjected to contractual partners of trade the place of jurisdiction is Freiburg at the Breisgau.

* Changing a date or to substitute lost times naturConcept can only realize it if there are good organisational conditions.

File Download gtc, pdf-file (20 KB)

Inside the EC and the Euro-area bank transfer by using BIC/IBAN is without charges.

Continue with Step No. 6 'Get More Infos about Arrival and Equipment'


naturConcept |  Freiburg at Breisgau | All rights belonging to eRich Lutz | Data privacy statement
To take care of environment and health: naturConcept doesn't use mobile communications.
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